среда, 30 октября 2019 г.

White Blood Cells (WBC) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

White Blood Cells (WBC) - Research Paper Example Bone marrow is the producer of White Blood Cells. The major function of Hematopoietic stem cells, found in bone marrow, is the production of WBC. Hematopoietic stem cells have a life span of only three to four days and therefore, any deficiencies in the production of this stem cell may affect the production of WBC also. â€Å"The white blood cells have a short life cycle, living from a few days to a few weeks. A drop of blood can contain anywhere from 7,000 to 25,000 white blood cells at a time†(White Blood Cells: Battling Blood Cells, 2012). This paper analyses various features of WBC. WBC’s are found throughout our body even though it is produced in bone marrow only. In other words, WBC produced from the bone marrow, is distributed all over the body to prevent the attack of foreign materials into the body. However, WBC density in bone marrow is more than that in any other parts of the body. There are six major types of white blood cells: Basophils, Bands, Eosinophils, Lymphocytes (T cells and B cells), Monocytes and Neutrophils. The average percentage of each type in the blood is as follows: Neutrophils - 58 percent; Eosinophils - 2 percent; Basophils - 1 percent; Bands - 3 percent; Monocytes - 4 percent; Lymphocytes - 4 percent and Neutrophils - 58 percent (Bianco, 2012). Each of these WBC’s has specific functions. Neutrophils defend against bacterial infection whereas Eosinophils prevent parasitic infections. Basophils are dealing with allergic infections whereas the duty of Monocytes is to clean neutrophils. Lymphocytes play a major role in defending the body against various diseases including cancer. The number of WBC’s in blood is the indicator of whether a person has some diseases or not. In other words, if the count of WBC shows an abnormal value (more or less than the normal value), that means the person has some kind of diseases. The normal count of WBC in one liter blood is between 4?109 and 1.1?1010. â€Å"A consistentl y high number of white blood cells is a symptom of Leukemia, a cancer of the blood. A Leukemia patient may have as many as 50,000 white blood cells in a single drop of blood†. (White Blood Cells: Battling Blood Cells, 2012). â€Å"In diseases such as measles, pertussis and sepsis, the increase in white blood cells is so dramatic that the picture resembles leukemia† (White Blood Cell Count (WBC) and Differential, 2006) Whenever a germ or infection enters the body, the white blood cells snap to attention and race toward the scene of the crime. The white blood cells are continually on the lookout for signs of disease. When a germ does appear, the white blood cells have a variety of ways by which they can attack. Some will produce protective antibodies that will overpower the germ. Others will surround and devour the bacteria (White Blood Cells: Battling Blood Cells, 2012). Neutrophils and monocytes use several mechanisms in their fight against the intrusion of foreign bodi es in our body. â€Å"They kill bacteria by a process called phagocytosis, in which they completely surround the bacteria and digest them with digestive enzymes. They can phagocytize five to 20 bacteria in their lifetime†(Bianco, 2012). Stroncek et al. (2011) pointed out that â€Å"White blood cells (WBCs) collected from hematopoietic stem cell are often given to patients who has problems in maintaining the normal WBC count in blood† (Stroncek et al., 2011, p.2647). It should be noted that bone marrow transplant is the most effective option in fighting against blood cancer. Stem cell research is one of the most rapidly developing fields in medical science and many people believe that the

понедельник, 28 октября 2019 г.

Foundations of teaching and learning Essay Example for Free

Foundations of teaching and learning Essay I am going to deliver a lesson to my students, which will include the three main schools of learning, Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Humanism. I will incorporate these ways of learning into my lesson plans to ensure my students are offered a range of learning strategies. â€Å"The behaviourist learning theory suggests that we learn by receiving a stimulus that provokes a response. So long as the response is reinforced in some way that response will be repeated. † (Reece and Walker 2007) I think behaviourism is important within the classroom as it is controlled Education, where the teacher takes control of the class and the environment that the students are in. Behaviourism is the educational theory that is based on the underlying ideology that the environment has direct influence on behaviour. Aims and objectives must be shown at the beginning of the class, to ensure the students are aware of what is expected of them. Reinforcement should be used to strengthen behaviour that you want to encourage. Students should be rewarded immediately so it gives the student motivation and confidence to move on to the next stage. Rewards can be offered in a variety of ways e. g. praise, letting them take part in something they enjoy doing, and should be used often when starting a new subject. To ensure students are kept motivated. Behaviourists look for rewards from others such as teachers, family and peers etc. †¦ Some behaviour is inappropriate so a punishment is given to stop that particular behaviour occurring again. People learn by copying from others, for example, performing a demonstration (you are the model) students will learn behaviours from the model. Within my lesson plan I have covered behaviourism with discussing previous background knowledge of subject matter so I am able to gain the required information to move on to the next stage and by applying praise to give them confidence to be able to move on to the next stage. I will take control of the class; the environment within the class will be relaxed and non-threatening. I will offer encouragement and appraisal throughout my lesson, before the end of the lesson I have arranged practical session as a reward. The Cognitivist school believes that learning by doing, and asking students challenging questions, will help students make their own sense of what they era studying, and enable them to make use of their learning in real life† (Geoff Petty2009) The Cognitivist approach to learning focuses on students and how they gain and store knowledge. It looks into how students interpret information given to them and what technique is best for them to use to understand it. The information that is given to the students must be understood to ensure leaning is taking place. It should be presented in a step by step fashion and goals should be in place for each stage, Feedback is essential and should be given out promptly to ensure learning has taken place before moving on to the next stage. There are three modes of learning †¢ The Enactive mode – learning by doing †¢ The Iconic mode – imagery- depends on visual senses †¢ The symbolic mode – using codes to learn This approach should be used in an attempt to promote learning using the cognitive structure. Students learn more when they have a greater understanding of the knowledge within the subject matter. This information is taken and added onto existing information, which is known as deep learning. Deep learning is where new learning makes a connection to old learning so you are able to build on knowledge, Deep learning is good learning; students should be taught a way that encourage them to adopt a way of learning, so they have a deeper understanding. There is also surface learning where there is no connection at all from old learning to new. There is only a small amount of cognitive skills used, and the new subject material has no relevance to previous learning. Studies more recently have shown deeper approaches to learning are related to higher quality learning outcomes† (Ramsden 1992; Prosser and Miller 1989; Trigwell and Prosser, 1991). Learning takes place through individuals changing and processing information from their social and physical surroundings. The teaching strategies for this theory should include things such has class presentations, debates and lectures, videos, readings and case studies. Work material should always be clear to understand, and produced in an organised manner, precise objective feedback should be given to facilitate learning. The amount of knowledge and understanding already attained will influence the speed and capability to add subsequent learning. I have used the cognitivism school of learning within my lesson plan by using deep surface learning, I am going to be building students’ knowledge through learning new subject matter to add on to old. I will take into account the structure of the subject matter delivering it in a step by step manner that is meaningful and understandable to them so they can relate new information to what they already know. My teaching methods will emphasis common principles and transferable skills. I have set tasks so they will have to think for themselves and discover new ways of finding out things about themselves and finding answers within the tasks. There will also be class discussions throughout the lesson, so students have the opportunitiy to express themselves, the classroom environment will be pleasant and relaxed so the students do not feel afraid to speak out. I will be performing a demonstration for students so they will be able to understand exactly what I want them to learn† by doing â€Å". â€Å"The only way to learn how to do something is by doing it! † (Paul Ginnis 2002) Humanism is about the learner feeling good about him or herself and being able to determine their strengths and weaknesses. The learner should believe that able to have the ability to improve. It is important that students feel good about themselves so they are able to set goals that are achievable; this should be encouraged by the teacher to help develop student’s self-esteem. ] All topics should be relevant to the student so it keeps them interested and motivated. Students should not feel that they have done wrong, but use mistakes as an opportunity to learn. Hierarchy of Basic Human Needs [pic] Abraham Maslow 1962) It is essential that the lower needs are met before moving up to the next level in a step by step way. In a classroom setting, these needs must be fulfilled to ensure effective learning can take place. Starting with physical needs working up to self- actualisation. The teacher should make the classroom environment feel warm and friendly with a positive atmosphere, and give students the choice to work at their own pace and let them take responsibility to learn for themselves, so that they become highly motivated by working in an area of their own interests and curiosity. Humanistic teaching enables students to figure things out for themselves because over helping from the teacher will discourage and de motivate the student. Students are encouraged more by active learning than passive learning. It gives the student great motivation when they are able to solve their own problems. The prize for the humanistic theorist is through self-evaluation and self-direction humanists like to reward themselves. Self-assessment is a crucial skill it helps students to be responsible for their own improvements where tests set by teachers are thought of as discouraging – and lowering student’s self-esteem. I have incorporated humanistic teaching within my lesson plan through classroom environment; the layout of my class room is designed to suit the student’s needs. There will be adequate breaks, I will ensure comfortable surroundings, all students will be treated fairly and with dignity and confidentiality will be maintained at all times. I intend to promote interaction between students and show that I care. I will encourage independence and welcome ideas and offer prizes when appropriate, promote optimism and be enthusiastic and supportive and be positive about their future plans. So with this support I have applied basic needs within the classroom so my students will reach self-actualization I have set tasks where students will have to think for themselves and come up with their own conclusions. I have also included a practical activity where students will work in pairs and have to think between them to evaluate the outcome. We will be in an environment where the students are comfortable and the learning subject matter is relevant to the learner’s objectives. I think that the three main schools of learning should be incorporated within a lesson because I strongly agree with Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs. You need to meet physical needs to be able to move up the ladder without these needs you are unable to achieve or reach self actualisation. I believe that the humanistic approach to teaching and learning is used through all ages of teaching but is more influenced with adult education. Whereas behaviorism I believe is for the younger generation. Behaviorism teaching starts from an infant they are influenced by reinforcements and that is how good behavior is determined from bad. I think this is more effective with school age children. It helps to promote learning when a child is praised. The cognitivist theory plays a big part in learning, learning should be a part of life humans have a natural urge to learn, discover and develop new skills. I agree that it is important that the learning that is taking place and the information is recognized. Marking and feedback is essential and plays a big part in student achievement, so you can evaluate where the students understood.

суббота, 26 октября 2019 г.

Leave Your Reality at the Door :: Free Descriptive Essay About A Place

Leave Your Reality at the Door Definition of the Table: a place where insanity, creativity and intelligence blend together in an often bizarre and amusing combination. Before my years at NDSU began, the Table existed. It is a place to hang out on campus and kill some time that would be better spent otherwise. It is a place where friends through various places and all walks of life come together in a long-since staked out territory to have discussions that vary from normal, to just plain bizarre and others that often border the taboo. If people are between classes and have free time that they aren’t spending studying, they are at the Table. It is our rendez vous point. It becomes a place for us to not worry, to kick back and relax and leave behind the usual version of what people call reality. Without the people and the activity, the scene around the Table is nothing out of the ordinary. In the basement of the Memorial Union there is an area of tables on the tile-floor where the Union Food Court meets the Recreation and Outing Center. The tall tables surrounded by stools are ignored as all the standard height tables have been taken over to form the Table. Generally we have about six tables, pushed into a formation that has evolved into a close area taking up as little space as possible. All the regular wooden chairs have also been commandeered for the Table, though when our numbers are high an occasional stool or otherwise non-matching gimp chair is added. For a while it seemed that the janitors had given up because in the past they had put the tables back in their original spots night. Of course, the next morning we moved them right back. At the beginning of this year the tables were left in place, but as of late the janitors have been putting them back. Recently the round tables returned which adds a completely new dimension to the table, since they perfectly fit in and over the square tables. The Table is positioned directly under a cold air vent adding its usual chill to the group, especially come winter. The unintelligibility of the music droning in the Rec and Outing Center is generally ignored, though a recognized song can bring comment and discussion.

четверг, 24 октября 2019 г.

Analyse Vernacular Architecture In Achieving Sustainable Built Environment Environmental Sciences Essay

Energy restraint and planetary heating are going the cardinal challenges encountered by the universe today. Major sum of energy is being used by the edifice sector for accomplishing comfy thermic conditions. Fifty per cent of energy ingestion is due to edifices. ( Melet, n.d. , p.06 ) . Demand for Energy is increasing quickly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) in its ( IEO, 2011 ) International Energy Outlook 2011: provinces that universe energy ingestion grows by 53 % from 2008 to 2035. â€Å" The U.S. Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) is the statistical and analytical bureau within the U.S. Department of Energy. It surveies and broadcasts energy information to do proper determinations sing energy efficiency, public apprehension of energy use and proper policymaking † . ( EIA, September 19, 2011 ) . Sustainable and climate antiphonal architecture offers executable solutions to these challenges. Since the pre-industrial epoch Global heating is one of constituents which led to Environmental Degradation. Global warming which has risen by 0.7 °C since the last 300 old ages is likely to be increased by up to 8 °C by 2050 harmonizing to the ( IPCC, 2007 ) . IPCC i.e. intergovernmental panel on clime alteration is a prima administration for the appraisal of clime alteration. It besides states that about 90 % of the heating in the nice decennaries is caused by energy related human activities, chiefly because of CO2 emanations due to the combustion of fossil fuels. ( IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, 2007 ) .Thus there is a demand for pressing action to plan edifices to protect us from the effects of clime alteration and planetary heating. â€Å" We have to cognize from where we are coming to cognize where we are traveling † – Charles Correa. There is a demand to transform the past cognition to move as a accelerator for the hereafter. Tradition and Modernity are two sides of the same coin and must be dealt with at the same time. Some of the Architects who have used this into practicality are given. Hassan Fathy did non utilize any hi-techniques of air-conditioning, alternatively harmonizing to him it is really of import to analyze and understand natural physical belongingss of heat, air current and H2O which are the natural environment controls. It is really of import to cognize how native stuffs can be improved and developed via new techniques, to run into the present twenty-four hours demands. Francisco Bobby Manosa feels that biass against older stuffs can be overcome and exciting new perchance can be created. Charles Correa via his design doctrine of transportation and transmutation re-integrates many older cardinal thoughts, into his modern designs, which recognises the jobs of today, yet show a deep regard for India ‘s civilization and tradition. ( Pearson, 1994, p.122-124 ) . The new Architecture has its roots deep in Vernacular tradition, which is rich in messages that are going more and more relevant to our time- messages that help us retrieve humbleness and a belonging to the Earth ( Pearson, 1994, p.08 ) . For 100 of old ages common builders have managed to construct utilizing little sum of available energy resources without impacting the environing environment, therefore utilizing it in a sustainable mode. These patterns should be used in the conventional architectural pattern of today, which are accountable for Environmental crisis. In the thick of great technological, environmental and political alteration over the past decennaries, the slang has become extremely relevant over the past decennaries either as a technological illustration, or as a politically strategic component. Given that architecture is necessarily connected to technological developments, environmental issues and political alteration, common architecture has therefore become a cardinal construct in Architectural theory and Practice. ( Arboleda, n.d. ) .Introduction:The appraisal of energy and comfort conditions is the most of import factor in finding the architectural procedure. Energy efficiency and renewable energy are the most of import facet of sustainable design. Even clime and environmental conditions play a major function in a edifice design. The chief intent of planing a edifice is to make suited status for human comfort. Traditional builders used limited and of course available stuffs to accomplish comfort and clime was the major lendi ng factor in traditional edifice techniques. Due to the of all time turning planetary concern, usage of energy and restriction of resources it is the duty of an designer to plan edifices which are sustainable. For making sustainable edifice it is really indispensable to determine the rudimentss from where this scientific discipline originated. There hence arises a demand to look back in the yesteryear as how our ascendants built their ain places taking attention of map, faith, societal and religious values and above all accommodating to the clime for doing a comfy life. So it is really of import to analyze from the past traditional constructions built by our ascendants without the usage of modern engineering and to do usage of it in the present scenario for doing sustainable built environment. The survey of history of common edifices has demonstrated throughout that the edifices have outstanding sustainability, whilst notional architectural signifiers do non ; they are pleasant and are to continue the cultural messages they convey. ( Ryan, 2011, p.51 ) . Harmonizing to ( Arboleda, n.d. ) , over the last decennary Vernacular surveies have become established in the mainstream architectural discourse due to the following 3 grounds: Global Communication engineerings: Since the 1960 ‘s there has been a great consciousness among designers because of the easy and extended entree to the cognition of traditional communities Global Environmental Crisis: Contemporary involvement in this topic has arisen due to resource depletion, planetary heating and energy crisis. Global Politicss: Common Architecture is a valuable tool in the ethno political relations. It is a key in ethnically sensitive undertakings, therefore keeping the cultural individuality. Due to these ethno sensitive plans traditional elements are used in the devising of new constructions but by overhauling or re-engineering it, therefore doing it modern Vernacular or neo-Vernacular.The Meaning of Vernacular Architecture:â€Å" The term common originates from the Latin word vernaculus which means local, natural or original developed from Verna, intending â€Å" native slave † or â€Å" home-born slave † . The Numberss of factors which define a common edifice are based upon clip immemorial edifice techniques, usage of of course available stuffs, besides location of the edifices and its use. It is passed on by the word of oral cavity, and stuffs which are readily available. In add-on it is a system invented by the local craftsmen and occupier. Common Architecture can besides be called as a construction created by an amateur without any instruction in this type of planing method. Thus it is a traditional method of edifice which is passed on from coevals to coevals. The method of building is based upon traditional patterns and techniques. It is normally built with the aid of household, kin or builders in the folk and reveals a high degree for workmanship and quality. The map of the edifice is the most governing factor followed by aesthetic consideration and usage of local stuffs. Geographic environment is a really of import factor seen in a typical Vernacular edifice ; a sloping roof surface is made to bear the rainfall, a round house signifier to oppose cyclonal air currents, a thick level clay roof for ice chest interior infinite and to take out the heat of the Sun, an interior courtyard for unfastened infinite. In hot and dry climes, for illustration, edifices were shaded to avoid intolerable summer Sun by tall flora, stone overhangs, or, in level comeuppances, the courtyard edifice signifier. They were placed such that they could besides have the pleasant heat of the winter Sun. ( Pearson, 1994, p.95 ) . This shows that common methods are the most traditional method of edifice constructions which are antiphonal to climate.Factors taking to development of Common signifier:Common edifices are human concepts which are consequences of the interrelatedness between ecological, economical, material, political and societal factors. ( Asquith, L and Vellinga, M ( Ed. ) ,2006, p.110 ) Baker ‘s singular work is seen from the manner he uses environment, traditional methods, comfort, civilization and engineering in his plants. ( Bhatia, 1991, p.3 ) â€Å" There is an imbrication of traditional techniques of climatic conditions and common manners. Historically, practical devices were easy embellished and generalised through repeat to go a portion of an architectural vocabulary, a procedure Charles Correa describes one of the bring forthing ‘forces ‘ of architecture † . Charles Correa tries to integrate cultural values and traditional techniques in his procedure of planing sing the life styles of Indian people. ( Hagan, 2011, p.116 ) Tadao Ando ‘s plant shows composings, which consists of chiefly usage of simple signifiers and seeable usage of concrete stuff. In most of his works the usage of nature, infinite, character, clime, conditions, and cultural background can be clearly seen. He believed that when verdure, H2O and visible radiation is abstracted through nature the signifier becomes sacred. ( Nute, 2004, p.86,87,88 ) Common architecture is influenced a batch by human behavior and environment, taking to different edifice signifiers for every different context. Therefore from the above mentions it is clear that there are assorted factors which lead to the beginning of Common signifier: Climate Materials and engineering Site characteristics Religion Economicss Socio-cultural considerations The factors which straight regulate the signifier are: Climate Socio-cultural considerations Religion The factors which indirectly relate show that they restrict the development of signifier but do non basically modulate the signifier: Materials and engineering Site characteristics Economicss Materials and engineering: It does non needfully specify the signifier of a house. Even if same stuff and engineering is used in a peculiar society yet the signifiers would change depending upon the map and civilization every bit good. Site Consideration: Site characteristics may curtail the house signifier but it does non make up one's mind the signifier. On similar site different house signifiers can be seen whereas on different sites similar house can be seen. Economicss: The economic system may impact the size of the house or type of stuffs and techniques used but does non impact the signifier. A society with same economic conditions may hold different house signifiers due to socio-cultural values. Due to different positions and ideas people with similar economic system may take different house signifiers. Religion: Religion can non wholly find the signifier entirely but plays a direct influence in its rating. Religion can hold a strong influence on the signifier, program, spacial agreements and orientation of the house. Many houses are built harmonizing to spiritual influence of the society. Socio-Cultural Factors: Socio-cultural or traditional methods of utilizing a topographic point can hold direct consequence on make up one's minding the signifier of house. Both physical and socio-cultural facets affect the signifier. The physical scene may supply several possibilities but existent pick gets restricted due to cultural factors. Climate: It is the most of import factor in finding the signifier. Due to different clime in different states the signifier is found to be similar. The hapless thermic public presentation of the edifice in malice of utilizing technologically advanced environment systems suggests that one needs to see the physical environment while bring forthing a edifice signifier. Degree centigrades: UsersadminDesktopPresentation1.jpg Purpose: To analyze Common architecture in accomplishing Sustainable Built Environment for Contemporary constructions.Aim:To analyze the beginning of traditional houses and analyze its sustainability. To analyze traditional edifice stuff, their sustainability and the contrast with modern architecture. To analyze thermic public presentation of Vernacular edifice stuffs. To analyze the function of Building ordinance in the sustainability of traditional edifice building.Research Question:How can traditional methods of architecture be incorporated in modern edifices? How can the resurgence of the slang in the present modern-day architecture aid it to go more sustainable inheriting cultural roots?Methodology:Although Common Architecture is emerging as a really underdeveloped country of survey, still much demands to be done theoretically, metholdologically and through recording and certification, before using it to 21st century. ( Asquith, L and Vellinga, M ( Ed. ) ,2006, p.03 ) Following are the methodological analysiss used for the research. Literature Reappraisal: To read and analyze in deepness about Common Architecture utilizing some of beginnings which includes digital media, web beginnings, books, published diaries in related subjects, scholarly articles and published documents. Qualitative Survey Using Live Case Studies: Conducting the Case survey utilizing â€Å" Roll uping the Evidence † method is used here. ( Yin, 2003, p.83 ) Beginnings of Evidences which will be used here are as follows. Historical Documentation- This type of certification can be done by utilizing informations collected through local libraries or other mention Centres. The paperss could be proposals, advancement studies, internal records, newspaper cuttings and other articles looking in mass media or in newssheets. Interviews- It is the most of import portion of the instance survey. ‘Structured Questions ‘ will be used as a type of interview along the lines of a formal study. Such study can be designed as a portion of instance survey and produce qualitative informations as a portion of the instance survey. ( Yin, 2003, p.91 ) . Here interviews with edifice industry professionals will take topographic point ( if the undertaking is complete ) or interview of workers or directors ( if the site is an ongoing undertaking ) . Post tenancy questionnaire will be prepared for the present residents of the site to cognize their perceptual experience of the site. Post tenancy ratings provide an indicant of major successes and failures in a edifice ‘s public presentation. They can be used to better and explicate the public presentation of a edifice and are utile non merely to the residents and proprietors but besides to the interior decorators, who can larn about both their errors and succ esses and can use these findings to future undertakings. Direct Observation- It includes field visits to cognize some relevant behavior or environmental conditions. Experimental grounds is frequently utile in supplying information about the site. Physical Artefact- Here it could consist of stuff being used on the site or any other physical grounds to happen out the sustainability of the construction. Analyzing Case study Evidence- While analyzing the interviews and the questionnaire some common subjects will be listed and a checklist will be prepared and the selected instance surveies will be evaluated against the subjects in a checklist. Reporting Case Studies: A standard attack called ‘Linear analytical Structure ‘ will be used here. It consists of findings from the informations collected and decisions and deductions from these findings.Work Plan:WeeksActivity1-2 Literature reappraisal: Understanding the background of the subject reading assorted books, diary articles etc. 3-6 Historical Documentation: Collecting informations from assorted beginnings on common Architecture. 7-9 Case survey: It includes both interviews and field work which could be done at the same time. 9-12 Compilation of informations: Review all the collected informations, edit and compile it and re-phrasing it in the signifier of a elaborate thesis study.Possible Result:The chief purpose of the research is to attest and turn out that Common architecture is a solution for todays Sustainable Design rules. The common architectural surveies will supply utile penetrations for planing modern-day constructions by taking groundss form the Vernacular constructions of the past.It besides aims to look into schemes which could be cost effectual in building and specification.The concluding result will be in a signifier of decision study from the instance surveies which will assist in planing modern-day construction utilizing climate antiphonal design constructs.Mentions:Arboleda, Gabriel. ( n.d. ) . Traditional, slang and cultural architectures from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vernaculararchitecture.com/ Asquith, L. , Vellinga, M. ( Ed. ) . ( 2006 ) . Verncaular Architecture in the 21st century: theory, instruction and pattern. Abingdon, Oxon. , USA and Canada: Taylor and Francis. Bhatia, Gautam. ( 1991 ) . Laurie Baker: life, work, writtings. New Delhi, India. , London, UK. , USA, Victoria, Australia. , Ontario, Canada. , Aukland, Newzealand: Penguin books. Eia Independent statics and Analysis: U.S. energy information disposal. ( september 19, 2011 ) from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.eia.gov/forecast/ieo/index.com/ Mellet, Ed. ( n.d. ) . Sustainable Architecture: Towards a diverse built environment: NAI Publishers. Nute, K. ( 2004 ) . Topographic point, clip and being in Nipponese architecture. New Felter lane, London. , USA and Canada: Routhedge. Pearson, David. ( 1994 ) . Earth to spirit: in hunt of natural architecture. London, U.K. : Gaia Books limited. Parry, M.L. , Canziani, O.F. , Palutikof, J.P. , Vander, Linden. , Hanson, C.E. ( Ed. ) . Climate Change 2007: Impacts, version and exposure. Cambridge university imperativeness from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data/publications_ipcc_fourth_assessment_report_wg2_report_impacts_adaptation_and_vulnerability.htm Ryan, Carol. ( 2011 ) . Traditional building for Sustainable Future. Abingdon, Oxon. , USA and Canada: Spon Press. Susannah, Hagan. ( 2001 ) . Taking form: A new contract between Architecture and Nature.Jordan, Oxford: Architectural Press. Yin, R.K. ( 2003 ) . Case study Research: Design and methods. Thousand Oaks, California. , London, UK. , New Delhi, London: Sage Publication Inc.

среда, 23 октября 2019 г.

Review of the Financial Statements of Merck and Novartis Companies

In module 2 case study I am to do the following understanding financial reports and continue to review the financial statements of Merck and Novartis to learn additional information. The emphasis of this Case is to review the income statement, balance sheet and computation of ratios. Review the financial statements for the companies and answer the following questions for the last reporting year: What components of stockholders' equity does each of the companies disclose?Merck & Company IncThe components of the stockholders equity common stock (authorized and issued), other paid-in capital, retained earnings, accumulated other comprehensive loss, and treasury stock. Novartis International Ag. The components of the stockholders equity are share capital, treasury shares, reserves, and non-controlling interest. Do the companies have preferred stock shares outstanding? If so, what special features do these shares contain? Merck & Company Inc. Merck has authorized 20,000,000 shares of pref erred stock in 2012.All preferred stock from the AMI a merger in 1998 is being converted to either cash or shares of Merck stock. Novartis International Ag. Novartis did not report any preferred stock. Do either of the companies report treasury shares? If so, do the companies disclose the reason for reacquiring the shares? Merck & Company Inc. Yes Merck reported treasury shares; they reported the purchase of treasury shares on the balance sheet in the equity section and also on the summary of common stock and treasury stock transactions.In this case no they didn’t disclose any reasons for reacquiring shares other than those from the merger. Novartis International Ag. Yes Novartis reported treasury share; No they did not disclose reasons for reacquiring shares Income Statement. What are the basic and diluted earnings per share for each company? Merck & Company Inc. Basic earnings per common stock $2. 03 Diluted earnings per common stock $2. 00 Novartis International Ag. Basic earnings per common stock $3. 93. Diluted earnings per common stock $3. 89Have the companies reported any discontinued operations? Merck & Company Inc Merck has not reported any discontinued operations Novartis International Ag. Novartis reported no discontinued operations for 2012. Do the companies disclose any stock compensation plans? If so, are they reporting such plans under the fair value or intrinsic value methods? What was the value of compensation expense measured for any outstanding stock option plans? Merck & Company Inc. Yes they are reporting under the fair value method.The value of the compensation expense measured was approximately $72 million to the holders and $4 million Merck common shares issued. Novartis International Ag. Novartis did not disclose any stock compensation plans Financial Ratios Compute the following ratios. Also, interpret and assess each group of ratios for the company. What type of story are the ratios telling the analyst? Profitability ratios: ? Gross profit margin = Gross income/sales. The gross profit margin is a financial ratio which is a measurement of a company's manufacturing and distribution efficiency during the production process.A company uses its gross income to fund such company activities as research and development and marketing, which are important for generating future sales. A prolonged decline in the gross profit margin is a red flag for possible impending negative pressure on sales and, ultimately, earnings. You need to know the trend of the company before you can make an analysis of whether or not the gross profit margin is good or not, in this case Novartis has a better gross profit than Merck. Merck & Company Inc. 8,739/47,267 = . 185 Novartis International Ag. 11,243/56,673 = . 198?Net profit margin = Net income/ sale Net profit is the profit that is generated from all phases of the business, including interest and taxes. This is the â€Å"bottom line† that garners most of the attention in dis cussions of a company’s profitability. The net profit margin (net margin) compares net income to sales. A consistently high net margin is often indicative of a company with one or more competitive advantages. Furthermore, a high net margin provides a company with a cushion during downturns in its business. In this case Novartis has a better net profit margin than Merck.Merck & Company Inc. 6,299/47,267 = . 133 Novartis International Ag. 9,618/56,673 = . 170 ? Return on stockholders' equity = net income/ shareholders equity Return on equity (ROE) is equal to a fiscal year's net income. It measures the rate of return on the ownership interest of the common stock owners and measures a company's efficiency at generating profits from every unit of shareholders' equity. Return on equity for most companies certainly should be in the double digits; investors often look for 15% or higher, while return of 20% or more is considered excellent.Neither of these companies is great for their ROE but they are close, Novartis being higher. Merck & Company Inc. 6,299/53,020 = . 119 (12%) Novartis International Ag. 9,618/69,219 = . 139 (14%) Liquidity ratios: ? Current ratio = current assets/current liabilities The current ratio is a financial ratio that measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay its debts over the next 12 months. While Merck is able to pay back its debt, Novartis can pay its debt more easily and have a lot left over. Merck & Company Inc 34,857/18,348 = 1. 900.Novartis International Ag:  124,216/30,946 = 4. 013 ? Quick ratio= current assets-inventory/current liabilities Generally, the quick ratio should be 1:1 or higher; however this varies widely by industry. In general, the higher the ratio is, the greater the company's liquidity (i. e. , the better able to meet current obligations using liquid assets). The quick ratio is also known as acid test ratio. Both companies have a quick ratio but Novartis has a better quick ratio than Merck. M erck & Company Inc. 34,857-7,305/18,348 = 1. 501 Novartis International Ag. 124,216-6,744/30,946 = 3. 796?Inventory turnover = COGS/Inventory The inventory turnover is a measure of the number of times inventory is sold or used in a time period such as a year. Merck & Company Inc Inventory not specified on the 10K. Novartis International Ag. 18,756/6,744 = 2. 781. Leverage ratios: ? Debt-to-assets= Total debt/total assets Debt to asset ratio is a financial ratio that indicates the percentage of a company's assets that are provided via debt. Novartis has a lower debt than Merck. Merck & Company Inc. 18,348 + 16,348 = 34,696 34,696/106,132 = . 327Novartis International Ag:  5,945/124,216 = . 048 ? Debt-to-equity= total debt/total shareholders’ equity The debt to equity ratio, usually abbreviated as D/E, is a financial ratio indicating the relative proportion of shareholders' equity and debt used to finance a company's assets. Novartis used fewer loans to finance the companyâ⠂¬â„¢s assets than Merck. Merck & Company Inc. 34,696/536,020 = . 065. Novartis International Ag. 5,945/69,219 = . 086 ? Times-covered ratio= earnings before interest and taxes/ interest Times interest earned (TIE) is a measure of a company's ability to honor its debt payments.The times interest earned ratio is also referred to as the interest coverage ratio. Merck & Company Inc. Only had a consolidated statements of income Novartis International Ag. Only had a consolidated statements of income What type of information do you find in footnotes to the financial statements? Additional information provided in a company's financial statements. Notes to the financial statements report the details and additional information that are left out of the main reporting documents, such as the balance sheet and income statement.This is done mainly for the sake of clarity because these notes can be quite long, and if they were included, they would cloud the data reported in the financial statement s. Do you find the balance sheet, income statement or other measures such as ratios the most informative? Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of using ratios for analysis. I find that the balance sheet and the income statement have the standings of how the company did per quarter but the ratios show comparison of how they did. The ratios are good because you breakdown all the big numbers and just use percentages and analysis what is important.The balance sheets show the breakdown of all the individual accounts consolidated so both are good. A disadvantage of depending on the statements are that they can mislead you indifferent ways, if you only look at the numbers and do not look at the foot notes you may make a bad decision. Bad information can also be given through the statements, although this is illegal people still do it and later on change it or say it was a mistake but you may not catch that. Ratios can also have disadvantages like if they are not computed correctly y ou may have the wrong percentages or you may have nothing to compare them to.

вторник, 22 октября 2019 г.

Chanel Cosmetics

Chanel Cosmetics Introduction Chanel is one of the leading fashion shops in the United Kingdom. Started out as a simple fashion shop on a brick and moter basis, this shop has grown to become a giant shop that operates an online shop, besides its physical shops. The management of this firm has been keen on adopting new market trends, which has ensured that the firm remains relevant in this industry.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Chanel Cosmetics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The fashion industry is very competitive and very sensitive. The majority of those who visit these shops are from the upper class. This group is always very sensitive on issues of quality. They do not have any problem with the price, but they do not tolerate substandard or outdated products (Ulaga Chacour 2001, p. 67). Chanel has come to realize this and has been keen on providing its customers with products of desirable quality. This company has been named as one of the leading shops for fashion products. The company stocks such items as bags, designer perfumes, designer wristwatches, jewelry, and shoes, among an array of fashion products. The firm has a market share that spans in the entire United Kingdom. The marketing team of this firm has ensured that the firm’s products find the right value proposition, an act that has seen Chanel products become popular (Andreson, Narus Rossum 2010, p. 56). The brand Chanel is very strong within the markets of United Kingdom. Although the firm’s effort to assert its presence has bore good fruits, the brand is not very strong within the international market. The management has tried to capture the markets currently dominated by large online market firms such as the Amazon, with very little success. However, the gain made by this firm is an assurance that has made it possible to gain the market share beyond the United Kingdom. Competitor Analysis The fashion industry is one of the m ost developed industries in the United Kingdom and by extension, the entire world. Those who patronize these shops are individuals who are rich and willing to spend a lot of money on any single item needed from the shop.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For this reason, many investors have gained interest in this industry, as it is considered one of the most lucrative industries within this country (Barnes, Blake, Pinder 2009, p. 89). Competition is very stiff. With a market that has free entry and exit, there has been a huge influx of firms, some of which are international companies with, other branches in several countries. Most of these international firms are well developed, having been in this industry for several years. Competition has been taken a notch higher. Many of these firms have adopted different competitive strategies. With price not being a major co mpetitive tool, many of the firms have considered such other services as home delivery of the products to their customers who purchase their products online. Others have considered to stock custom made products for specific customers. They would get a special order from such customers and then send those specifications to the manufacturers. As such, Chanel has to manage this competition, with focus being on maintaining or even expanding its current market share. This is very tricky because in this industry, maintaining the current market share alone is not easy. Many firms have developed very strong strategies for competition, threatening to eat into Channel’s current market share. As Ahmed and Rafiq (2002, p. 46) say, in industries where competition is very stiff, a firm’s focus should not be increasing but maintaining its current market share. In this industry, competition is rife, and there are signs that it may even get stiffer. Many large American firms that had w ithdrawn from this industry due to the recent recession are coming back stronger and with better strategies. Other new entrants are also coming with new strategies that are superior to many of the current firm’s strategies. Some of the leading apparel shops in this country include Absolute Vintage, Ace Collection, Ad Hoc Boy, Agnes B, Ahadi Shops, All Saints, American Apparel, Butterfly, and Caroline Charles among others. This list is very long and yet many more firms are coming into existence (Best 2009, p. 78). As can be seen from the above list of apparel shops, American firms are back to this industry and they are competitively strong. A firm like American Apparel has international coverage. It has branches in many other countries other than United Kingdom. As Woodruff (1997, p. 153) states, this firm has been very strong in this fashion industry, a fact that can be contributed to its international experience.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Chan el Cosmetics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Most of the top management of this firm, according to Eggert Ulaga (2002, p. 153), are people who have held managerial positions in various other countries before and therefore have a wide experience in this industry. They understand the market forces and as such, are in a position to withstand pressures of the market. Another very strong firm in this industry is Absolute Vintage. It also has a market coverage going beyond United Kingdom. Within the country, this firm is one of the market leaders as it has its presence felt in almost all the major cities in the kingdom. Going against this strong competition may need this firm to develop strategies that would make it a superior firm. The firm must design its marketing strategies to give it a competitive edge in the industry. The brand Chanel, although not very strong in the markets beyond the United Kingdom, has managed to penetrate the local mar kets. It brand has managed to gain fame within its London branches. This would give it a competitive edge because this region has a large number of customers. Despite other firm’s strength in this region, Chanel can start its expansion plans from this region by developing superior marketing strategies. Basic Segmentation Analysis for Chanel Chanel, as a company and a brand, falls under the fashion industry. This firm has several lines of products falling in several market segments within the industry. The products are presented to the market under a similar brand name that is, Chanel. This firm has four major segments for its wide range of products. The segments are the Foundation, Chanel make-up segment, Chanel Fragrance and Chanel fine jewelry. In the Foundation, the firm stocks new products that have just been introduced into the market. These products may fall under different categories, but because they are new in the industry and to the firm, they would be put under thi s category. Customers would go to this section to know some of the new products that are currently available in this market. The motivation behind this section was to help not only in advertising the firm’s new products, but also enable customers fashion trends. Through this, they would be in a position to know which products are new in the industry and the competitive advantage they have over other existing products.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This section also helps the firm inform the market that it is out to ensure that it provides new and better products at a relatively close interval to ensure constant satisfaction. This segments targets customers from across the genders and age group. In Chanel Makeup segment, this firm stocks such items as eyeshades, lipsticks, and other makeup products. This segment targets women of various ages. Men make a very small percentage of the customer base here. In the Chanel Fragrance, the firm stocks perfumes and other such products. Just like the Foundation segments, customers here are of both genders and all the ages. In the Chanel Fine Jewelry section, this firm stocks wristwatches, bangles, golden, and diamond chains among other precious items. Though the market for this segment is female, a considerable number of male customers also frequent its stores (Dubois, Jolibert Muhlbacher 2007, p. 76). Segmentation is done to make it easy for the customers to locate desired items. When t he customers visit the firm’s website, they would have a clear sense of direction of where to go when searching for new products, instead of navigating from one section to another guessing that by chance he or she would bump into the desired product. The Role of Change in Technology Technology has proven to be a major competitive tool for this firm. With a neck-break competition, which has seen many firms exit this industry, emerging technologies have proven to be the only way through which this firm can manage the current market competition. As Flint, Woodruff and Fisher (2002, p. 90) notes, technology is a double-edged sword. It has both negative and positive effects in equal measure, depending on the approach that a firm would give it. Not all technological inventions are appropriate for a firm such as Chanel. Some technologies are irrelevant and some are completely disruptive. However, there are those that are very important if a firm seeks to gain a competitive edge. Lin dgreen and Finn (2005, p. 29) say that, although it may not be easy, current firms have no otherwise but to ensure that they shift emerging technologies for relevance and applicability. Shifting in this case refers to analyzing the technologies to determine which of them can be implemented and which can be ignored. The basis of this is to ensure that the firm identifies which of the technologies are worth implementing and which would be avoided so that the firm would avoid scenarios where the wrong technologies are implemented at the expense of the right ones. Piercy (2009, p. 78) explains that there are three categories of technology adapters. The first category is the innovators, then technology enthusiasts, early adapters, late adapters and finally the technology skeptics. Chanel has been so keen with adoption of emerging technologies. It has avoided being the innovators or technology enthusiast. It has been an early adapter of technology. This has a number of advantages (Ward 19 99, p. 90). Although early adapters always find other firms already in use of the technology, they are better positioned to determine how relevant a given technology is. They can do this by taking time to analyze the technology or simply monitoring the effect of such technology on other firms Payne Holt (2001, p. 103). This way, it would be easier to know which way to go. Chanel shops around the United Kingdom show strong signs that the firm is keen on adapting emerging technologies. The entire shop at the Hertford Road branch and other branches within various cities in this country are installed with current technological devices. The CCTVs, the sensors, automated tellers, the lighting systems are all signs of emerging technological innovations (Eggert, Ulaga 2002, p. 56). The use of internet marketing is also another sign of adoption of emerging technologies. The Role of the Internet for the Company Internet plays a very important role in ensuring that this firm remains relevant within this industry. Competition in this market has gone a notch higher and all firms are trying to outsmart each other using all the available tactics. The internet has been one of the tools that have been put on use. Internet has been used on many fronts. The website is the first front. Chanel has designed a website, which is very interactive. By following the link, www.chanel.com/en_GB, one is led to the rich accessories that this firm stocks. A customer is able to easily navigate this website and have a look at the products stocked at various stores of this firm. The website has richly employed the use of graphics in this website. A customer is able to communicate with the company easily through its website, a fact that has seen it increase its interactivity with customers (Fifield 2007, p. 98). Although the website is yet to allow direct purchase of products on-line, the current capability has made this firm to be known to many customers. Moreover, this website would direct c ustomers to the nearest shops where the products of the firm can be found. Another way through which internet has been of benefit to this firm is through internet marketing. Social media marketing has gained relevance in the near past. Face book has a fan base of over half a billion, most of who are from the upper class citizens, who can afford internet connectivity in their houses (Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman Hansen 2009, p. 39). In the United Kingdom alone, over two thirds of citizens are regular visitors of Face book. The majority of this group is the youths, who make the most attractive market segment for Chanel fashion shop. By advertising on this site, this company has been in a position to ensure that it reaches its targeted market. Another media that has gained relevance very rapidly is the YouTube. Because it supports heavy graphics such as videos, the youths have become addicted to it any moment they visit the internet. Although Chanel has not been able to utilize this media to its full potential, it poses good opportunities for this firm. Many of the youths cannot avoid the allure to be in this site. They are able to watch movies and share videos through this site. Chanel therefore stands a better chance of reaching them out through this site. Chanel has considered advertising its products using this media. Twitter has also gained popularity. As Woodruff (1997, p. 72) notes, many firms are moving away from traditional forms of advertisements, which heavily depended on mass media. It has come to their realization that not many people are currently able to read the entire newspaper or listen to news or soap operas that carry advertisements. However, these individuals cannot ignore the allure of the internet. The best way to reach them therefore would be through the internet that they could not avoid (Holbrook 2003, p. 38). Chanel has realized this and is making the best out of it. Conclusion Chanel is operating in a very competitive environment. I t has been able to manage market competition but with a lot of difficulty. This industry is well developed and some of the competitors that Chanel has been facing are international firms with worldwide market coverage. This firm has had to ensure that it protects its current market share are protected as it tries to gain more. This has not been easy as the market is full of competition. However, because of the large capital base that it has been able to amass, the firm has been able to introduce new products at close intervals following market research. It can be concluded that the Chanel faces both threats and opportunities. This can be attributed to among other factors, the strengths and weaknesses it. The main challenge is how to balance the strengths and against the weaknesses. In this regard, the management has a role of identify those technologies that are suitable and apply them in strengthening the firm. Emerging technologies may be the best solution for this firm because th e dynamism of this industry. The firm should also conduct market research to establish the opportunities that can strengthen its market share. List of References Ahmed, K Rafiq, M 2002, Internal Marketing tools and concepts for customer-focused management, Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, Oxford. Andreson, JC, Narus, AJ Rossum, W 2010, â€Å"Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets†, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 1, no. 3, pp 91-99. Barnes, C, Blake, H Pinder, D 2009, Creating Delivering your Value Proposition, Kogan Page, London. Best, RJ 2009, Market-Based Management Strategies for Growing Customer value and Profitability, New Jersey, Pearson. Dubois, P, Jolibert, A Muhlbacher, H, 2007, Marketing Management A Value-Creation Process, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan. Eggert, A Ulaga, W 2002, â€Å"Customer-perceived value: a substitute for satisfaction in business markets?† Journal of Business Industrial Marketing, Vol. 17, no. 2, pp 107-125. Fifield, P 20 07, Marketing Strategy: The Difference between Marketing and Markets, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. Flint, DJ, Woodruff, RB Fisher, GS, 2002, â€Å"Exploring the phenomenon of customers’ desired value change in a business-to-business context†, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 66 no. 4, pp 102-117. Holbrook, MB 2003, â€Å"Customer value and auto ethnography: subjective personal introspection and the meanings of a photograph collection†, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 58, no. 1, pp 45 – 61. Kotler, P, Keller, KL, Brady, M, Goodman, M Hansen, T 2009, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Harlow. Lindgreen, A Finn, W 2005, â€Å"Value in business markets: What do we know? Where are we going? Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 34, no. 2, pp 732- 748. Payne, A Holt, S 2001, â€Å"Diagnosing Customer Value: Integrating the Value Process and Relationship Marketing†, British Journal of Management, Vol. 12, no. 2, pp 159 182. Piercy, NF 2009 , Market-Led Strategic Change, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford. Ulaga, W Chacour, S 2001, â€Å"Measuring customer-perceived value in business markets: a prerequisite for marketing strategy development and implementation†, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 30, no. 6, pp 525 540. Ward, K 1999, Cyber-ethnography, and the emergence of the virtually new community, Journal of Information Technology 14: 95-105. Woodruff, RB 1997, â€Å"Customer Value: The Next Source for Competitive Advantage†, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences, Vol. 25, no. 2, pp 139-154. Appendix.  Chanel SWOT Analysis The best way of understanding a firm from its internal front is to conduct a SWOT analysis on it. Through this, it would be easy to determine if the firm is in a position to manage the current market forces and if it is in a position to experience market growth. Chanel fashion shop can be understood through this analysis. Strength is the abilities of a firm that makes it be in a position to manage the market forces and compete against other firms favorable. They are factors that make the firm stand out among the rest, as the preferred firm. Strength of this firm arises from a number of facts. One such fact is that this firm has been in this industry long enough. Chanel has been operating in various United Kingdom cities for a number of years and has therefore developed a deep understanding of the market. Through this understanding, it has been very easy for this firm to predict the market forces that would play off in different seasons. As such, Chanel has mastered the products to stock in different seasons, making it one of the popular shops in London. Many customers admire it because they feel that this firm knows how to predict what they need and then provide products in the best ways possible. The firm has also amassed a huge financial base following several years of financial prosperity. Because of this, the firm is able to adopt emerging technolo gies, without straining its finances. The brand Chanel is also popular within the entire country, making it even stronger in this market. Because of this, the firm has been in a position to manage competition in this industry. Weaknesses refer to the inability of the firm to perform certain functions that are expected. These factors make a firm vulnerable to other firms in any given market. Chanel has a number of weaknesses. One great weakness of this firm is the fact that its website does not have a direct access to the shop. Currently, people have been absorbed so much in their profession to an extent that they rarely find time to go shopping. Online shops were created upon this basis. They allow customers to shop from the convenience of their sitting rooms. Chanel therefore risks losing its customers to its competitors that have their shops online. Having a beautiful website as it does is not enough. The website should allow its customers to shop online. Another weakness of this firm has been its pace of adapting emerging technologies. Although this firm has been able to make use of the current technologies, the pace has been rather slow. This can be very dangerous for a firm operating in such a competitive firm. Other firms might easily overtake it since competition is rife. In this industry, firms seem to adapting technology fast. Opportunities refer to the market forces that a firm stands to gain by its presence in a given industry. They are external factors that the firm cannot either control nor have little control over them. Chanel stands to benefit from various opportunities due to its existence in this firm. Currently, the country has recovered from the recession and the upper class can now consider spending on such items as jewelry and other goods of ostentation. This means that business would be booming for such firms as Chanel. The recent recession that took place in the United States saw many American firms withdraw their operations from a numbe r of countries in order to concentrate on the domestic markets while specializing on jewelry and other fashion products. This was a relief to firms in the United Kingdom such as Chanel. Chanel can now capture markets that were previously held by these American firms. Threats refer to those external factors that may hinder a firm from achieving its set objectives. A firm may not have control over them. In this industry, Chanel faces a number of challenges. The biggest threat that Chanel faces in this industry is competition. Chanel faces high possibility of being eliminated from the market. Although some firms quit this industry during recession period, it has not been easy for Chanel to manage the level of competition because there are still numerous other firms in this industry that have taken substantial portion of the market share. This makes it very difficult for this firm to expand. The increasing cost of living is making a section of the market reconsider the need to buy such expensive items as fashion wears. Many people currently consider leading modest lives that allow them to live within their means. Technology, inasmuch as it is a tool of prosperity for this firm, has been a major threat that Chanel has had to deal with. Emerging technologies have been a challenge to this firm, as it has been very difficult to predict appropriate technologies, and the ones that should be disregarded. As such, Chanel has always found itself lagging behind in adoption of many emerging technologies. This has a threat of making it a weaker firm in the face of competition.

понедельник, 21 октября 2019 г.

Sleep Cycle Essays

Sleep Cycle Essays Sleep Cycle Essay Sleep Cycle Essay Its natural to blame sleep problems on stress or physical changes that come with age. But many cases of either sleeplessness or poor sleep are caused by a handful of specific problems, most of them fixable with lifestyle changes or the help of a doctor. Here, five little-known causes of sleep problems and what to do about them. 1. Light How it disrupts sleep: You probably already know that when you stay up late under bright lights, you interrupt your bodys natural sleep-wake cycle, because light tricks your brain into remaining in daylight mode. Less well known is that the light from computer screens and iPads shining directly into your eyes at close range is especially troublesome. Why? Part of the problem is that the light from these devices is at the blue end of the spectrum, which scientists believe is particularly disruptive to circadian rhythms. Blue light, although common during the day, doesnt occur naturally during the evening. Similarly, light shining in your eyes while you sleep even very small amounts coming from, say, a lighted clock makes your brain think its morning and emerge out of deep sleep. Darkness triggers production of the hormone melatonin, the hormone that triggers sleepiness and the onset of sleep. Light prevents this release or shuts it off. The evidence: Studies have long shown that shift workers and those who work late at night have poorer sleep and higher incidences of certain conditions associated with lack of sleep than those who regularly sleep eight or nine hours at night. A recent study published in Cancer Causes amp; Control, for example, found that the countries generating the most light at night have the highest incidence of breast cancer. And studies at the Light Research Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have found that the use of computers, lighted readers, and TVs at close range is tied to a higher incidence of sleeplessness. Whos at risk: Everyone exposed to light shortly before bed or during sleep. Light is also bad for hearts, which need deep sleep to recharge. Surprising fact: Every year theres a spike in the number of heart attacks just after the start of daylight savings time in the spring. What to do: Dim the lights and turn off all lighted screens at least an hour before bed. If you use a reading light, make sure its not any brighter than necessary and doesnt shine in your eyes. Do a light police room check: Are there streetlights outside your windows? Use blackout curtains or shades and make sure they fit the windows tightly so no light seeps in around the edge. Charge laptops, phones, cameras, and other devices in another room. Use an alarm clock without a lighted dial, or turn it to face the wall. Keep a flashlight next to your bed and use it whenever you have to get up to use the bathroom or let the dog out and be careful to point it away from yourself so you dont look into the beam. Dont turn on an overhead light, and never use nightlights. If you must use a laptop, turn down the screen brightness as low as you can tolerate and prop the laptop as far away from you as your typing arms will reach. If you love eReaders, try a Kindle or other device with a screen thats not backlit. 2. Pain How it disrupts sleep: Just about any kind of pain signals sent by the brain jaw pain, headaches, back pain, or arthritis, for example disrupt sleep, lifting you from the deep, restful REM cycle into lighter sleep or causing you to sleep fitfully and partially wake up over and over, which experts call microarousals. The evidence: Surveys of chronic pain sufferers reveal that between 60 and 90 percent sleep poorly. But many dont realize that their pain is the cause of their poor sleep. This can become a vicious cycle, says Thomas Roth of the Sleep Disorders and Research Center at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, because even partial sleep disruptions can increase sensitivity to pain. In other words, even mild pain causes poor sleep, which in turn leads to more pain. Whos at risk: Anyone who suffers chronically painful conditions such as arthritis, back or neck pain, jaw alignment problems, dental pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, or any other type of chronic pain. Note: The p ain doesnt need to be severe; studies show that even mild pain disrupts sleep. According to Roth, frequent microarousals can occur throughout the night without your being aware of them. The result is that you never attain deep REM cycle sleep and wake up feeling tired and grumpy, but you dont know why. What to do: Take steps to treat your pain proactively. Using over-the-counter pain relief is a start, but its always best to consult with a doctor and develop a comprehensive pain-relief program. For example, you may need physical therapy to combat back and neck pain, or migraine medication if your frequent headaches might be migraines. If bruxism (teeth grinding) or jaw clenching is leading to jaw pain, a mouth guard is often the solution. 3. Disrupted breathing How it disrupts sleep: When oxygen flow to the brain is interrupted, your brain sends a warning signal that wakes you up either fully or partially, causing fitful sleep or preventing deep, restful sleep. The result: You wake feeling like you didnt sleep well, even if you were out for nine hours straight. The best known version of this is apnea, which is a complete stoppage of breathing. A much more common and less recognized problem is upper airway resistance syndrome, or UARS. In UARS, structural blockages somewhere in the airway nasal congestion, your tongue falling back and blocking the back of the throat, or just having a smaller airway to begin with begin to interfere with the flow of air. What happens is that you wake up over and over again without knowing it, but the sleep interruptions last only a few seconds, too short to be detected by a standard sleep apnea test. The evidence: Even subtle levels of restricted breathing can lead to deep brain stimulation and arousals that prevent your ability to stay in deep sleep, says otolaryngologist Steven Park, an otolaryngologist and author of Sleep, Interrupted: A Physician Reveals the #1 Reason Why So Many of Us Are Sick and Tired. You dont realize youre waking up, but your brain wakes up, so its now in a light sleep. We see people who are waking up 100 times a night. Whos at risk: People who breathe through their mouths or have chronic congestion, such as from asthma or allergies. If you sleep more poorly on your back, this can be a sign of UARS, because when you sleep on your back your tongue is more likely to sink back and block the entrance to your throat. If you have a narrow face, a thin neck, or had extensive orthodontic work to correct a crowded jaw, youre likely to be at particular risk for UARS, says Park. What to do: Start with some self-tests. Try using pillows to keep yourself on your side, or put a tennis ball in the back pocket of pajama bottoms, so you cant sleep on your back. If your nose often feels stuffed up, you might find relief with breathing strips, available at the drugstore. Another option is to try is a device designed to hold the nostrils open; brand names include Nozovent and Breathe with Eez. A saline nasal spray works for many people. If you have congestion due to seasonal allergies, try an antihistamine. (But if you take one that can act as a stimulant, such as Claritin or Sudafed, dont take it too close to bedtime. ) If none of these help, ask your doctor to refer you to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, who can evaluate whether youre a candidate for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), a nasal mask that delivers air directly through your airways. An ENT can also determine whether tongue position is causing your UARS, in which case a dental device that pushes the jaw and tongue forward can help. For many people, losing a few pounds can be the ticket to better sleep, since excess weight is linked to all kinds of breathing problems, including UARS, snoring, and sleep apnea. 4. Medications How they disrupt sleep: Medications sometimes have side effects that trigger sleeplessness or interfere with deep sleep. Most common culprits: asthma medications, corticosteroids, blood pressure medications, and antidepressants. Also, many ingredients in common medications act as stimulants. They may cause jitteriness during the day and trigger sleeplessness or prevent deep sleep at night. Example: Bronchodilators like albuterol and salmeterol, commonly used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and COPD, can amp you up and interfere with sleep, yet patients are often directed to use them at the end of the day. Other common medications that can interfere with sleep include SSRIs, such as Prozac and Paxil, and beta-blockers taken for high blood pressure and heart disease. Sometimes medications sabotage your sleep indirectly. Diuretics, for example, can interfere with sleep by causing you to use the bathroom at night. Tagamet (generic name cimetidine), taken to control reflux and ulcers, can cause sleeplessness, especially when combined with caffeine or other medications. Like many side effects, sleeplessness from medications can affect some people but not others; Propecia, used to treat hair loss, and the antihistamine loratadine (brand name Claritin) are both known to cause sleeplessness in a percentage of those who take them. Some people react to opioid pain medications with rebound sleeplessness, feeling sleepy at first but then waking up and being unable to get back to sleep. The evidence: Although every medication is tested for side effects during the FDA approval process, in many cases evidence of side effects mounts over time as a drug enters more widespread use. Albuterol has been widely reported to cause restlessness, nervousness, and sleeplessness. An article in the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology also found that beta-blockers interfere with melatonin release. Recent studies have found that Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and other SSRIs affect sleep in a significant number of patients. If youre using an antidepressant, be sure to talk to your psychiatrist about any possible sleep problems and ask about alternative antidepressants if this is an issue. Whos at risk: Those taking regular medication for a chronic condition such as asthma, depression, high blood pressure, or pain. A medication that you take once is less likely to cause an ongoing sleep issue because you take it for a short period of time and are more likely to notice the side effect. When you have a chronic condition, youre more likely to attribute any sleep problems to the condition rather than the treatment. What to do: Any time youre prescribed a new medication, ask the doctor to discuss in detail all side effects you should be alert to. Its always a good idea to ask both the doctor and the pharmacist, How will this medication affect my sleep? Because some medications cause sleepiness, some interfere with sleep, and some do both, asking the question in an open-ended way will get you the most information. 5. Depression How it disrupts sleep: Fatigue is one of the most prevalent symptoms of depression, yet many people dont realize how closely related depression and poor sleep can be. Depression wreaks havoc with your natural biological rhythms; many people with depression have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, and they oversleep or get fatigued and nap during the day. Yet their sleep is fitful and of poor quality, so despite spending more hours ostensibly sleeping or trying to sleep, they dont feel well rested. Then at night, depression sufferers often have trouble maintaining a regular bedtime routine. Having slept late in the morning or napped late in the day, they may not feel sleepy. Anxiety, which often accompanies depression, may cause excessive late-night worry that contributes to sleeplessness. The evidence: Because the relationship between depression and insomnia is a chicken-and-egg cycle, experts have studied it from both directions. Psychological studies have found that a high proportion of those with depression suffer from either sleeplessness or disrupted sleep, and a recent study by the University of Maryland found that 40 to 60 percent of people

воскресенье, 20 октября 2019 г.

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program (Summer 2019)

Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program (Summer 2019) Updated for Barnes Noble Summer Reading Program 2019 The Barnes and Noble summer reading program for kids gives kids a free book when they read 8 books over the summer. Looking for more summer reading programs that will score your kids some freebies? Check out my list of the best summer reading program freebies  that includes rewards from Half Price Books, TD Bank, and more. How to Get Free Books From the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program Visit the Barnes and Noble summer reading program to select the age range that your child fits into. You can choose between Ages 0-7, Ages 8-12, Teens and Young Adults, and Adults. After youve chosen an age range, youll find a link to where you can download and print a reading journal. The journals are available in English and Spanish. Fill out the student information on the bottom of the first page of the journal. A parent must sign on this page in order for the child to get a free book. In the reading log, your child will need to record the title and author, along with their favorite part of eight books to get their free book. Bring the completed and signed reading journal into your local Barnes and Noble bookstore between August 1, 2019, and August 31, 2019. Present it to an employee and they will let your child choose a book from the free book list. The Free Books Available From the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program Theres a wide variety of free books available for kids from the Barnes and Noble summer reading program. Heres whats available in 2018: Children in grades 1 and 2 are eligible to receive one of the following books: Malala: My Story of Standing Up for Girls RightsThe Mount Rushmore Calamity (Flat Stanleys Worldwide Adventure Series #1)Amelia Bedelia Means Business (Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Series #1)Pete the Cat and the Cool CaterpillarDisney Junior Fancy Nancy: Chez NancyThe Princess in BlackJorge el curioso: De basura a tesoro (Bilingual)Purmaids #1: The Scaredy CatSunbeams Shine (Unicorn Princess #1) Kids that are in grades 3 and 4 can pick out one of these books: Middle School: The Worst Years of My LifeCatStronauts: Mission MoonMistakes Were Made (Timmy Failure Series #1)My FANGtastically Evil Vampire PetThe Super Life of Ben BraverDrew Pendous and the Camp Color War (Drew Pendous #1)Drew Pendous Travels to Ancient Egypt (Drew Pendous #2)Classic Starts: The Swiss Family RobinsonJudy Moody (Judy Moody Series #1)Judy  Moody esta  de muy mal humor (Judy Moody) Those children that are in grades 5 and 6 can choose from this list of books: The Last (Endling Series #1)Friendship List #1: 11 Before 12James and the Giant PeachTreasure Hunters (Treasure Hunters Series #1)Because of Winn-DixieEllies Story: A Dogs Purpose Puppy TaleThe Race to Space: Countdown to Liftoff (Epic Fails #2)Aru Shah and the End of Time (Pandava Series #1)Disney after Dark (Kingdom Keepers Series #1The Unicorn Quest Other Features of the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program The Barnes and Noble summer reading program website also has educator activity kits. These kits include fun activities about reading that can be completed with a child. Limits to Be Aware Of The Barnes and Noble summer reading program is only available to school-aged children in grades 1-6. Only one book is available for each child who completes a reading journal and choice must be made from the selected books available at the store.

суббота, 19 октября 2019 г.

Family Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family Concept - Essay Example Legitimization of children born is of course a universal criterion of marriage. Another factor related to the subject marriage is 'legal paternity'. Dr. Edmund Leach in Europe is of the opinion that no definition could be found that would apply to all the institutions which is commonly accepted as marriage. He referred to ten classes of rights which are related with the word marriage. He is flexible in his approach and states "we ought to feel free to call 'marriage' any institution which fulfils any one or more of the selected criteria". Dr. Leach cites the case of Nayar, the Kerala person in Kerala community. His marriage is not accepted as traditional marriage but a "relationship of perpetual affinity" between linked lineages" (Gough 1955a). The ritual husbands of Nayar girls had no obligation to the brides after the ritual was over. The ritual wife also has no obligation except observing pollution rites at death of the ritual husband... The children born to the woman after marriage have no notion of paternity. . The marriage was basically exogamous with matrilineage character having allegiance to the family of head of the village which might be patrilineal Nayar... Such traditional scattered groups all over the world lost the cohesion of tradition later but kept together by thin thread of kinship. What is the actual family scenario in the western world today The institution of marriage is present but the divorce rate remained as high as 50%. The rate of marriage is coming down and the system of co-habitation started in which men and women live together without marriage. The status of family in this new system is very weak... Couples who once might have wed and then divorced now are not marrying at all. Co-habitation is never good for children because it increases family instability. Cohabiting couples have twice the break up rate of married couples only because there is no family bond between the couples. 40% of children in USA come under this fold of loose family set up. 8.1% of US coupled household are made of unmarried but heterosexual partners. The percentage of children who grow with both biological parents is the lowest at 63%. The divorce rate in USA being one of the highest the family status in this country is the weakest with the highest rate of solo parenting. In this type of a weak family concept and social scenario any university would remain confused about promotion of a well-defined family set up. Therefore my concept of a family set up would be one where there is unity, love and peace among all the family members to promote the objective of everybody's life. Generation has due recognition in any society and family but not from the marginal point of view as it was earlier...We often hear about generation gap. The emergence of global generation that started in 1960s has world wide repercussions today with major development in new electronic communication and international consciousness. The future generation will be uniquely influenced by web technology with the introduction of social networking services like MySpace, social bookmaking sites like Yahoo's del.icio.us, and peer to peer social networks like the blogosphere and the cell phones... Today the word

пятница, 18 октября 2019 г.

Compare the NIMBYism Between China Three Gorges Dam and India Delhi Essay

Compare the NIMBYism Between China Three Gorges Dam and India Delhi Dam. (Research Project) - Essay Example While the authoritarian government in China hardly allows people to give own opinions, people in India have the power to complain and provide personal opinions. Due to this difference, transnational movements have great influence over the Indian people than the Chinese people. India enjoys these privileges because the country endures a democratic regime. The other key factor discussed in the paper that also creates the difference is the history of each dam project. The Indian project is much older and has resulted to more damages as compared to the Chinese dam project. People in India would more likely to perceive future disasters than the Chinese people making their case more complicated. This implies that political structure is the most important as analyzed in the paper. Dr. Yat-Sen first proposed Chinese Three Gorges dam project with the main objective being to control the flooding of Yangtze River and generation of electricity. However, according to a public opinion survey by Chetham, the local population felt that the extra energy generated by the project would not benefit them as the project was aimed at producing energy not intended to the local consumers. The dam spans River Yangtze by the Sandouping town. The dam is the largest power station in the world with respect to its installation capacity of 22,500 MW. The Three Gorges Dam became fully functional in early July 2012, but the dam itself was completed in the year 2006. At this time, the main turbines within the underground plant started production of hydroelectric power. Every main turbine is known to yield a power capacity of up to 700MW. In total, the project has 32 main turbines, which together with other smaller generators, 22,500MW of electric power is generated. On the other hand, the Delhi Dam project started with an embankment dam specifically on River Maquoketa. It was situated about two and half

Literacy Program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literacy Program - Essay Example This literacy programme is scheduled for a week's time, wherein a strategy is evolved to include all components of the programme. When the reading level of the student is identified, "the objective then becomes measurable, and the teacher can collect information that will provide evidence as to whether it has been met" (Gunning, 2004). In order to improve the reading comprehension of a student, I would like to introduce a combination of materials, that would help a student understand the different kinds of written materials and also improve his overall reading skills. I would include the following components in the reading comprehension module: Reading of a newspaper, a classic novel that is pertinent to the standard of the student, reading columns or articles by eminent personalities that would interest the student, reading a text book of English language, reading comics and finally, reading a project based on the interest levels of a student of the particular standard. Each day of the week-long strategy would include one item from the list each. The list is a pretty comprehensive one, with diversity in the reading approach. ... After the course of the week's programme, a post-test in the form a summative assessment programme, to determine the effectiveness of the programme. PHONICS Teaching phonics is an especially difficult task, since the English language makes use of a combination of sounds, that are pronounced differently under different rules of stress and syllable-framework. Hence, students find it difficult to understand pronunciation under different circumstances. For examples, homonyms are difficult to teach. Hence, the literacy programme would include a strategy to help students pronounce words correctly, keeping in mind, the context. The programme would include reading lessons, wherein students would be introduced to the concept of phonetics, the symbols for each modern letter in the English alphabet, the concept of syllables, exercises based on not just synonyms and antonyms, but also homonyms. Exercises in the form of listening lessons, by encouraging a student to record his/ her reading test everyday on the tape and then asking him/her to come up with a personally assessment of the pronunciation of words. This would help the student understand and analyse words, besides marking the progress he has made in the course of the programme. DEVELOPING VOCABULARY In a literacy programme, developing the strength of the students' vocabulary is very important. For this aspect of literacy education, one cannot generalize the extent of a student's

четверг, 17 октября 2019 г.

Englishwriing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Englishwriing - Essay Example In contrast to other writers of his generation Tolstoy was connected with noble families of Russian aristocracy, who had brilliant French pronunciation and manners. At the same time he was a person full of antagonism. When Leo was nine he became an orphan. Tolstoy's upbringing was in the hands of Madam Egorsky. Having lost the parents Tolstoy became a rather difficult child. He was naughty boy with unexpected deeds, thoughts, ideas, but very kind-hearted (Derrick Leon, 1944, p. 54). Tolstoy began the literary work at the age of twenty. Being so young the author already had the dismissal from today's literary cannon. He always kept in mind the agonizing doubts between the dream and reality. It became the initial question that came through all his creative life. During his whole life Leo Tolstoy kept a diary. In 1852 the strict analisys of himself and surrounding left the bounderies of the diary and became a literary masterpiece. The author wrote his trilogy - "Childhood", "Boyhood" and "Youth". It was a work about different epoches in the life of every person. Up to Tolstoy it was considered that a human beeing was developing from simple level to complicated one. Every next step of his spiritual experience exceeded and canceled the privious one. We grew and our childhood left us forever. Up to Tolstoy the unit of measurement of a literary hero was his complex character. The Russian writer categorically denied such a view point. Beeing a seventy-six year-old man Tolstoy wrote: "If you ask me how I can perceive myself as a child, a youth and a grown-up paying no attention to time, I will answer you that I who combines a child, a young man and a chap is the answer" (Leo Tolstoy, 2005, p. 117). In his first novel "Childhood" he used the facts that he had gone through and the feelings that he felt deeply. In other words it was the spiritual autobiography of the Russian writer. The main hero of the novel was Nikolay Irtenyev. Everyone could see that the hero had a complex character. On the one hand the boy couldn't concentrate his attention on something particular, he wanted everyone to pay attention to him, he was selfish and easily carried away. On the other hand Nikolay was sensitive, shy and wanted to rank high among others. The Count Leo Tolstoy had the same features of character in his childhood. Tolstoy's aunt Yushkina was a very rich and noble madam with wide established relations. The best society of Kazan city enjoyed the time in her house. She dreamt of her famous nephews to become diplomats and aide-de-camp to the Emperor. The aunt was also sure that Leo Tolstoy should have relations with a woman of property and influence. At that time Leo's childhood was over. The second period of his life began. It was adolescence. Under such circumstances the writer changed a lot. Tolstoy wrote the second meaningful novel "Boyhood" where he used a technique of psychological analysis, which was to become his personal literary weapon. The inner world of Nikolay Irtenyev again resembled the inner world of the great writer. Unexpected emotions and almost arbitrary changes of mood reigned in the boy's soul. Dreams poisoned his mind at every opportunity. Causeless tears and irritation told about shattered , too sensible nerves inherited from the

Analysis of the business environment of vodaphone - introduction + Assignment

Analysis of the business environment of vodaphone - introduction + porters five forces analysis - Assignment Example In 1982 under the CEO Whent, Racal Electronics formed a new subsidiary Racal Strategic Radio Ltd. And in same year Racal's newly formed subsidiary Racal Strategic Radio Ltd under CEO Whent, it won one of the two UK cellular licenses. And the other license was won by British Telecom. The network which was 80 percent owned by Racal Electronics and 15 percent by Millicom and 5 percent Hambros Technology Trust by was named as Racal Vodafone. On January 1st 1985, Vodafone was launched. And so Racal Strategic Radio was renamed to Racal Telecommunications Group Ltd in the same year. COMPETITORS: Vodafone has various different competitors in the telecommunication market. But there are very few companies which are considered as rivals to Vodafone, as Vodafone itself is one of the most leading companies in market. If we study the main competitors of Vodafone in headquarter country UK then the main competing companies with Vodafone are T-Mobiles, Orange, O2 and virgin Mobiles. (Wikinvest , 2011 ) SERVICES AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED: Vodafone offers wide range of products and services within the vast range of telecommunication circle. These services include voice calls, messaging and cellphones etc.

среда, 16 октября 2019 г.

Englishwriing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Englishwriing - Essay Example In contrast to other writers of his generation Tolstoy was connected with noble families of Russian aristocracy, who had brilliant French pronunciation and manners. At the same time he was a person full of antagonism. When Leo was nine he became an orphan. Tolstoy's upbringing was in the hands of Madam Egorsky. Having lost the parents Tolstoy became a rather difficult child. He was naughty boy with unexpected deeds, thoughts, ideas, but very kind-hearted (Derrick Leon, 1944, p. 54). Tolstoy began the literary work at the age of twenty. Being so young the author already had the dismissal from today's literary cannon. He always kept in mind the agonizing doubts between the dream and reality. It became the initial question that came through all his creative life. During his whole life Leo Tolstoy kept a diary. In 1852 the strict analisys of himself and surrounding left the bounderies of the diary and became a literary masterpiece. The author wrote his trilogy - "Childhood", "Boyhood" and "Youth". It was a work about different epoches in the life of every person. Up to Tolstoy it was considered that a human beeing was developing from simple level to complicated one. Every next step of his spiritual experience exceeded and canceled the privious one. We grew and our childhood left us forever. Up to Tolstoy the unit of measurement of a literary hero was his complex character. The Russian writer categorically denied such a view point. Beeing a seventy-six year-old man Tolstoy wrote: "If you ask me how I can perceive myself as a child, a youth and a grown-up paying no attention to time, I will answer you that I who combines a child, a young man and a chap is the answer" (Leo Tolstoy, 2005, p. 117). In his first novel "Childhood" he used the facts that he had gone through and the feelings that he felt deeply. In other words it was the spiritual autobiography of the Russian writer. The main hero of the novel was Nikolay Irtenyev. Everyone could see that the hero had a complex character. On the one hand the boy couldn't concentrate his attention on something particular, he wanted everyone to pay attention to him, he was selfish and easily carried away. On the other hand Nikolay was sensitive, shy and wanted to rank high among others. The Count Leo Tolstoy had the same features of character in his childhood. Tolstoy's aunt Yushkina was a very rich and noble madam with wide established relations. The best society of Kazan city enjoyed the time in her house. She dreamt of her famous nephews to become diplomats and aide-de-camp to the Emperor. The aunt was also sure that Leo Tolstoy should have relations with a woman of property and influence. At that time Leo's childhood was over. The second period of his life began. It was adolescence. Under such circumstances the writer changed a lot. Tolstoy wrote the second meaningful novel "Boyhood" where he used a technique of psychological analysis, which was to become his personal literary weapon. The inner world of Nikolay Irtenyev again resembled the inner world of the great writer. Unexpected emotions and almost arbitrary changes of mood reigned in the boy's soul. Dreams poisoned his mind at every opportunity. Causeless tears and irritation told about shattered , too sensible nerves inherited from the

вторник, 15 октября 2019 г.

The English Language, Past, Present and Future Essay

The English Language, Past, Present and Future - Essay Example The process of literacy is actually influenced by both traditional and functional perspectives which will be contemplated in this essay. The traditional perspectives differ from the functional perspectives in respect that while the former assists the encounter of literacy with the printed texts in reading and writing in the schools and keeps the journey of literacy limited to the school domain and educational context of schooling, the latter encompasses a different view which grooms literacy beyond the school domain to make it serve bigger purposes in life. Both perspectives play a phenomenal role in transforming one into a literate person. It is also worth mentioning that a variety of ways is used in different communities to include and socialize children into literacy and those ways may stand in contrast with each other. So the issue of how different language practices need to be sufficiently tailored in respect to different kinds of learners as a way of speeding up the process of their socialization into literacy will also be explored in this essay. Literacy is a multidimensional activity based on a wide range of perspectives. According to one definition, it is considered a product of a wide variety of component skills all of which are essential to master high-level performance. â€Å"Phonological awareness, letter knowledge, automaticity in reading letter sequences, and lexical access could be identified key component reading skills† (Snow 2004, p. 3). The definitions for literacy differ enormously. Holistic thinkers see the act of reading as a solitary and integrated capacity and stress that attention should be paid to solitary components in reading instruction as meaning-making forms the bedrock of good reading skills. They in contrast to componential view do not consider literacy to be the product of an array of component skills which are mentioned earlier. While some consider literacy to be a solitary activity, others claim that it should essentially be viewed as an â€Å"interactive, collaborative activity embedded in social purposes, even when the act of reading itself is solitary† (Snow 2004, p. 3). As defined by the solitary viewers, reading and writing do not form collaborative activities but should be acknowledged primarily as â€Å"inside-the-head psycholinguistic processes† (Snow 2004, p. 3). The traditional perspective remains central to literacy while living in the present global environment heavily influenced by technology has developed new literacy needs. The autonomous model of literacy is one of the main models based on the traditional perspective according to which literacy does not have its roots embedded in the social context and exists â€Å"independently of specific contexts of social practice and producing effects independently of contextual social factors† (Lankshear 1999). So, the literacy practices in accordance with the traditional perspective are viewed independent of dynamic trend in everyday practical life. In contrast to this, the functional pers pective based ideological model rejects the notion that societal contexts do not play any role in the process of making a person literate. Literacy in many forms keeps evolving and is embedded in multiple contexts including â€Å"particular relations and structures of power, values, beliefs, goals and purposes, interests, economic and political conditions, and so on† (Lankshear 1999). It is important to acknowledge that the practice of literacy originates not from the literacy itself as implied by the traditional perspective but from the combined action of literary components and multiple other social factors. The development of literacy does not remain restricted to the schools alone rather it keeps developing in the social life and